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Are Composition Shingles and Asphalt Shingles the Same Thing? Full-time Job

2 years ago Executive / Head Chef Barddhamān   107 views
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The roofing industry is full of different names and terms that are hard to understand as a homeowner. This can be confusing and often frustrating.Now you know that composition shingles and asphalt shingles are the same thing. After learning this, you're ready to learn the 3 main things every homeowner needs to know about composition shingles.This, of course, is how much a composition shingle roof costs. The problem is, the roofing industry avoids talking about pricing or anything else relating to cost.You've just gotten off the phone with another Marietta roofing contractor and he only seemed interested in installing laminated shingles on your roof. He's told you that they are his most popular seller, but does that mean they are the best shingle for your roof? Are laminated shingles really that great, or is it just sales hype?When investing in a new roof, you're expecting to get as many years out of it as possible. This is especially true for an asphalt roof.

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