Diesel Engine Basics Full-time Job
2 years ago - Executive / Head Chef - Bareilly - 88 viewsJob Details
A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses compression ignition to ignite the fuel as it is injected into the engine.This post will introduce the working principle and components of diesel engine cooling system in detail. It is worth taking a few time to read it.In theory, gasoline and diesel fuel systems are remarkably similar. They are both internal combustion engines and they both convert chemical reactions into mechanical energy. Both systems use a series of pistons to compress fuel and air before igniting it. The difference between the two systems is how energy is created within them.A basic diesel fuel system is made up of five essential components. These are the tank, the fuel transfer pump, filters, the injection pump, and the injection nozzles.In modern engines, it is also important to ensure the temperature of the charge does not become excessive. In modern boosted engines, this is a real possibility. Excessive temperatures can lead to reduced charge density and higher combustion temperatures which can affect torque, power and emissions.