How to: Put on Snow Chains and Drive Safely Full-time Job
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If you travel to the mountains or snowy areas regularly, sooner or later you’re going to have to use tire chains. Start by getting the right set for your vehicle at your local Les Schwab.
Quick-fit chains are not your grandpa’s tire chains. They are MUCH simpler to put on and take off. Here are a video, step-by-step instructions, and driving safety tips for installing quick-fit tire chains on your vehicle.
When you need chains, driving conditions are nasty. Snow is coming down, passing traffic is spraying slush, dirty water is dripping off your wheel wells, the road is slick, and it may be dark. Don’t make this the first time you put on your chains.
Practice installing your new chains once BEFORE you travel. Take advantage of a dry garage or driveway to make sure your winter tire chains are the right size and you’re comfortable putting them on. If needed, the professionals at Les Schwab Tire Centers can help.Few feelings equal that panicked moment when your vehicle loses traction on an icy, snow-packed road. You feel that sideways drift start to influence the car. You feel less and less control in the shuddering steering wheel. You feel the car fighting against it. You do your best to compensate, perhaps making the right decisions, perhaps making the wrong ones. Your safety is up in the air for that moment. And to think it could be solved by simply applying tire chains.Tire chains are used to help vehicles get through especially heavy or dense snow on the road. Usually tire chains are used in mountainous areas that see a lot of snow throughout the winter. So how do they work? It’s actually pretty simple. Traction and wheel spin are the two factors at play here.
Tire chains wrap around the tread of the tires and latch tightly to prevent them from slipping. Basically, they allow the tires to get a better grip on snow and ice covered roads, giving the vehicle more traction and better control. Different size chains are manufactured for different tire sizes, so make sure to get the right size. Using the wrong size tire chains can damage your tires.
Wheel spin
In addition to gaining traction by biting into the snowy surface, tire chains also increase traction by preventing wheel spin. Wheel spin happens when the force delivered to the tire tread via the engine is greater than the tread-to-surface friction available, which makes the tires lose traction.
Tire chains are very useful for driving through the snow, but they do carry certain restrictions. You shouldn’t go faster than 30pmh when driving with tire chains. In addition, driving on bare asphalt with tire chains can shorten their lifespan.
Things About Tire Chains while Driving Truck on Winter Snow
1. Keep to a Safe Speed
Tire chains are only intended to withstand a certain amount of punishment. Drivers should never exceed speeds of 30 mph when chained. Going any faster could cause chains to break while in motion. This could be dangerous for drivers and vehicles alike.
2. Avoid Bare PavementBecause chains are something you will likely need to take on and off at least once per trip, and because the conditions surrounding their use are usually cold, soggy and snowy, it’s best to practice installation first, ideally when the weather is still nice. Without driving the car anywhere, put them on and take them off a couple of times to get the hang of it so that when you do eventually need them, you aren’t stuck fumbling and trying to figure out how to get them on with freezing fingers. Also, if you’re carrying chains, pack a safety vest as well. There’s a good chance you’ll have to pull onto the side of the road at some point to adjust or remove them, and if it’s snowing, visibility will be low.