What is a Skiving Machine? Full-time Job
2 years ago - Executive / Head Chef - Davangere - 77 viewsJob Details
A skiving machine is used in an industrial setting to cut or shave the edge of a moving strip of material into a desired shape or to create cross-sections of stock. Also called scarfing machines, skiving machines are commonly used in applications where uniform sizes and shapes are needed but are not obtainable using other manufacturing processes, such as cold rolling. Although skiving machines are most commonly used in the process of metalworking, they also see a significant amount of use in the edge shaping of leather and similar materials.
The process of using a skiving machine is called skiving or skivetek. Using a tungsten carbide blade, the skiving machine can cut metal and other materials with greater precision than many machine tools. Advances in the technology used in skiving machine parts has made these machine tools easier to use by introducing a floating blade system that moves both the blade and the material to achieve uniform sized cuts, rather than the older style machines that required careful adjustments of the stock to the blade to achieve the same effect.Skived copper heat sinks offer the maximum heat dissipation in applications that have high airflow and small space. The thermal conductivity of copper (~400 W/m-K) is the highest among all the commercial metals, and the skiving technology allows the heat sinks to have very thin fins, high aspect ratio and high fin density. Because the fins are an integral part of the base, skived copper heat sinks provide the best possible thermal conductivity between the fins and the base. When optimized to specific applications, skived copper heat sinks offer outstanding performance over any other thermal solutions within the small space. In some applications, the skiving technology is also the most cost-effective and reliable method of producing heat sinks that meet high thermal demands.Skived heat sinks are manufactured by peeling fins from a bar of solid copper or aluminum, using a sharp and accurately controlled blade tool. The tool shaves a small thickness of the material, lifts it up and bends it vertically to form the fin. The final heat sink can be machined using normal fabrication techniques, such as CNC machining. Skived heat sinks require minimal tooling cost, which makes it a cost effective solution. Skived heat sinks can also be customized with embedded heat pipes to further improve performance.
Features and BenefitsSpecial attention must be given to hose assemblies. The two preparation options to choose from are skiving or non-skiving a hydraulic hose.
SKIVING Skiving a hydraulic hose is the process of using special equipment and tooling to shave a predetermined depth of the OD and ID of the hose. Some medium pressure hose fittings require only external skiving (or single skive) in order for the ferrule and hose fitting to mate correctly.
Higher pressure hose applications may require internal and external skiving. Skiving a hydraulic hose ensures a metal to metal connection between the hose fitting and hose, resulting in a highly reliable connection.Heat sinks
Heat sinks are one of the most common forms of thermal management in technology, machinery, and even in natural systems. These components are so ubiquitous that they're easy to overlook, even by those who are familiar with the technology. We'll address the basic working principles involved in heat sinks, introduce active and passive heat sink configurations, and discuss how some users implement heat sinks in their applications.
What is a Heat Sink?
Copper Heatsink
A Copper Heatsink is sometimes used as a heatsink as it is a good conductor of heat. This can be observed if you heat one end of a piece of copper, the other end will quickly reach the same temperature. Copper is used in many heating applications because it doesn't corrode and has a high melting point.
The properties that make a copper heatsink popular include:
Good thermal and electrical conductivity
Density ~ 0.321 lb/in³
Tensile strength of ~ 310 MPa
Easy malleability
Easy to recycle
Copper heatsink vs. Aluminum heatsink